Yuedun Seal is a well-known security seal manufacturer. And hope this is a good start of our long and stable business relationship.

With the development of lead seal, people's understanding of it has continued to deepen. Lead seal has also developed from the blockade that was originally used only on electric meters and water meters to today's industries such as logistics and transportation. Now lead seal is also widely used in the oil industry.

The use of lead seal in the oil industry is mainly used on fuel tankers. When using it, it should pay attention to the quality of lead seal at the source; Normalize the lead seal of the tanker; Normalize the lead seal of the tanker; Strengthen lead seal inspection; We should revise the management method of lead seal. The management of lead seals is very important:

The first is the quality check of lead seal, that is, the lead seal company issued inspection, found the wrong number and the integrity of the lead seal.

The second is the logistics inspection, found that the carrier vehicle lead seal irregularities and loopholes.

The third is to standardize the lead seal of the tanker. The tanker replacement motherboard and encoder must be reported to the official text by the film area, and the company must approve the post-film area manager and the relevant personnel of the Anshi Section to personally supervise the closure.

Fourth, the number of examination, to take photos issued to rectification. The last point Liuxiugai lead seal, to manage a perfect lead seal ledger, check the records, but also constantly improve the lead seal management.

Lead seal management in place, the safety of the tanker, oil leakage played a good role in protecting the role.

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